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Friday, February 19, 2016

Bare faced glow 想拥有不上妆也上镜的肌肤吗?

On my recent month-long trip to Japan in November/December 2015, I was bowled over to find sooooo many skincare products that are mid-priced but top-notch in terms of efficacy.
I could spend the whole day at beauty specialty shops like Ranking Queen and departmental stores like Tokyu Hands just browsing, comparing ingredient lists and prices, and making a mental note of the uniqueness of each offering.

在韩风炒热之前,日本是众所皆知的美容护肤品天堂。夸别10年,论化妆技术和整容的普及化,韩姐韩妹无可厚非傲领潮流,由于五官打扮妆容都大同小异,走在街上可随手捉一位冒认亲戚。(拥护韩星的朋友们,别生气喔!)相比下,日本人所提倡的美丽是classic 百年不变的:除了一头乌黑亮丽的秀发,美的准则还是以晶莹剔透的肌肤为基础,淡妆只是为了衬托其优越的肤质。

如今科技发达,HD高清化妆品已不再是明星歌星的专利,很多女生会不惜掏腰包购买整山的化妆品,利用这工具猛修容貌。再加上各式修饰照片的Apps, 这边加那边减,然后把写真上载,期盼的是陌生人的赞美:哇,女神,好漂亮!即使她们心知肚明,写真经过加工后跟本身的庐山真面目的差距实在大得离谱。。。

重点是,你我并不是生活在2-D 的照片里。每天卸妆后,在夜深人静只有你跟你的镜子面对面时,你觉得你的另一半在镜子里有什么话要说吗?不晓得大家怎么想喔,不过我的想法是:与其花费时间与金钱在浓妆和Apps上面,倒不如从底层做起,改善肤质,增加自信。我们对肌肤的要求都不同,唯一相同的是:无论荷包有多深,没有人会愿意花冤枉钱的,你说是吗?

It was in Osaka that I chanced upon this new-generation facial cleanser:
SANA Hadanomy Aquaplacenta Esthe Foam.
Nothing fanciful about its packaging, but what caught my eye was the promise "facial effect after merely washing your face with this". This product ranked number 2 in its category, and I thought, oh well, another sales gimmick with empty promises. But I couldn't resist purchasing it, as the thought of covering my mien with mousse like foam sounded like F-U-N! 

在大阪地下铁购物街我偶然的踏入外表喧闹的店面Ranking Queen, 哇,其琳琅满目的护肤品多得令人乍舌,我在这里花了足足4小时研究产品!所售卖的护肤品大多是排行榜上头10名的,这里介绍的是排名第二的Sana Aquaplacenta 炭酸洗颜泡,是新一代的洁肤方法。包装简单,但是承诺可一点也不简单喔!据说,用后的效果等于做一次facial喔。真的吗?让我亲自来见证吧!
SANA Hadanomy Aquaplacenta Esthe Foam
moisture retention formula made in Japan

bare faced glow, untouched photo: after cleansing 洗脸后看镜子:白里透红滑溜溜水嫩嫩的美丽肌肌马上登场,好开心喔,此照片完全没经修饰
a dollop of magic 挤出一小泡泡污垢死皮马上洗掉

If you have nil or light makeup on, you can apply this straightaway as a cleanser. However, if you have oilier skin or heavier makeup on, I would suggest that you use a makeup remover prior to using this cleanser. But first, wash your hands first. Most of us remember to wash our precious faces but forget that it all starts with clean hands! You wouldn't want to be transferring germs from your hands to your face, would ya? Ready? Let the magic begin:
1. Wet your face with water. 
2. Shake the bottle a few times and gently squeeze a dollop onto your palm. It looks and feels like hair mousse.
3. Apply an opaque layer over the entire face, avoiding the delicate eye area.
4. Gently massage all over in circular motions for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
5. Rinse. Pat dry.
6. Admire. 


Notice how clean your face feels, but minus the tight feeling that some cleansers give you.
Slide your palm over your cheeks and savour the plump, smooth sensation.
Look closely into the mirror and observe a light glow. (Seriously!)
Afterwards, continue with your usual skincare regime.


ESTHE FOAM contains placenta extract, three kinds of hyaluronic acid and acerola extract. The chemistry among these ingredients yield moisturising, whitening and brightening effects.

炭酸泡含有胎盘素,三种玻尿酸和针叶萃取 。综合后发挥深层保湿,美白和亮肤的明显功效。

Personally, I prefer to use this ESTHE FOAM once a day, at night before I sleep.
After using it once a day for a week, I find that my skin is super smooth, with an au naturel glow.
As I don't use much makeup, and I dislike the look of blushers, it's a pleasure to achieve this sans cosmetics.   


My skin type is pretty sensitive and prone to dryness. I have tried and tested many other products on the market, both high-end as well as drugstore brands, and some doctors' brands as well...and I must say, that ESTHE FOAM exceeds my expectations, yeah!
I'm unable to use many other products because of the alcohol content and other skin sensitizing agents. I hope to share information on skin sensitizing ingredients with you later on.

有敏感易干燥皮肤的我,学会了在购买护肤品时读标签了解成分,也用过很多不同品牌的洗面霜,当然也有其它功效特佳的牌子,但这款Esthe Foam 真的是物超所值。

In the day, I am alternating between two other made in Japan gentle cleansers. I'll reveal those wonderful products in my next review.  


So, which is the BEST cleanser you've ever used? and the WORST, ever??



  1. Thank you Jewel for giving me a bottle of this wonderful foam cleanser , I'm. Sold ! After about two weeks of using it just once a day at night my skin feels smoother already .Love the texture of this foam ,such a pretty bottle as well .
    My skin is very sensitive prone to outbreaks n dry skin if I choose the wrong skin product . No problem with this I love this facial foam and yes please bring it because I can't find it anywhere here. :-(

  2. Thank you Jewel for giving me a bottle of this wonderful foam cleanser , I'm. Sold ! After about two weeks of using it just once a day at night my skin feels smoother already .Love the texture of this foam ,such a pretty bottle as well .
    My skin is very sensitive prone to outbreaks n dry skin if I choose the wrong skin product . No problem with this I love this facial foam and yes please bring it because I can't find it anywhere here. :-(
